
Training is one of the main purposes of the Cadet program. There are many facets that cadets will learn about within the program. Cadets will partake in classes according to their phase year of training, Phase 1 through Phase 5.

Phase 1 is a basic orientation to the program as well as a basic introduction to drill.
Phase 2 is a step up into some more difficult skills and drill classes.
Phase 3 is an introduction to being a junior leader, and some basic leadership classes.
Phase 4 focuses on leadership skills/techniques as well as introduction to instructing/teaching their peers.
Phase 5 is for senior cadets with the focus being on instructional techniques as well as leading larger groups through problem solving and supervision taskings.

Cadets will take part in classes that will cover any of the following topics depending on phase, as well as opportunities for supplementary training.

Some of the main themes that run throughout the program can be found below.

  • Small Arms & Small Arms Safety
  • Physical Fitness – both partaking in as well as eventually running or leading these activities
  • Drill – both standing and marching, as well as drill with arms and drill without arms
  • Sailing – theoretical and practical
  • Seamanship – theoretical and practical, tying knots as well as splices, whippings and rigging block and tackle.
  • Naval Knowledge – basic understanding of naval terminology, watch & bell systems etc.
  • Leadership – as a subordinate, peer, and leader
  • Instructional Technique – starts as peer-to-peer teaching then builds to lead and teach others.
  • Nautical Simulator Training – operate a vessel on a mock bridge along with practical charting skills using nautical charts and compass.

Cadets’ safety is first and foremost when considering any activity, all officers and cadets are educated on erring on the side of caution when it comes to any activity to minimize injury. Some activities are more inherently risky than others. In these instances, permission forms will be required to be signed by parents making them aware of said increased risks.