HMCS Quadra

Goose Spit became a Sea Cadet Training Establishment in 1952 and was commissioned as HMCS Quadra in 1956, operating continuously since. With the closure of the Esquimalt Sea Cadet Camp in 1975, all Sea Cadet Training in Pacific Region became centered aboard HMCS Quadra. Today, HMCS Quadra trains Sea Cadets from every region and province of Canada.

Connaught NACSTC

The ranges at Connaught have been in operation since the 1920’s serving the Canadian Forces and the Canadian Cadet Movement. In 1989 Connaught National Army Cadet Summer Training Center (CNACSTC) was established under the name Army Cadet Concentration (Ottawa) to allow all marksmanship courses across Canada to amalgamated at Connaught Ranges and Primary Training Centre (CRPTC) and become standardized. Prior to that time, cadets had been attending several cadet camps throughout Canada taking part in marksmanship courses hoping to get the top prize of a ticket to Bisley. When Connaught first opened its doors it had only four platoons (three Basic Marksman equivalent platoons and a Fullbore Phase II equivalent platoon) plus the National Rifle Team.

Connaught NACSTC also has the six-week Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor (ARMI) Course. This course is given to cadets of the three elements (Sea, Army and Air). The ARMI course consists to develop the cadets’ individual air rifle marksmanship and summer biathlon specialty skills while reinforcing and further developing their leadership and instructional techniques skills preparing them to support these two specialty activities at the corps/squadron, CSTC or during regionally and/or nationally directed activities.

HMCS Acadia

HMCS Acadia, in Cornwallis, N.S., is one of four Cadet Training Centres in Atlantic Canada. Cadets from across Canada and abroad are at the training centre this summer, taking part in music, sailing, seamanship, and fitness and sports programs. Through participation in the Cadet Program, young people develop valuable life skills in teamwork, citizenship, leadership and physical fitness while having fun and meeting new friends.

On July 29, 1978, HMCS Acadia was officially recommissioned at CFB Cornwallis (former CF Recruit School) during a ceremony at Building 20, a former naval communication school, collapsing HMCS Cornwallis, HMCS Micmac and the Shearwater Sailing School.

During the years 1978-2002, HMCS Acadia has received an estimated 24,000 cadets -about 1,000 per year- for summer training. Approximately 1,200 cadets, organized into 18 different courses, are expected during this year’s training period.

The cadets will be looked after by a staff of 320, which includes approximately 170 adults (officers, NCM’s and civilians) and 150 staff cadets drawn from cadet Corps throughout Atlantic Canada.

HMCS Acadia routinely trains sea cadets from the United States and Bermuda and hosts cadets from other exchange countries. HMCS Acadia is also home to approximately 50 air cadets and additional Air Cadet staff within Acadia’s School of Music.


In 1994, because of a First Nation land claim, the Ipperwash Army Cadet Camp moved to Canadian Forces Base Borden and was renamed the Blackdown Army Cadet Summer Training Centre.

The first Commanding Officer of this new Cadet Training Centre was LCOL Dirk in 1994. Since then, Blackdown has continued to evolve both in the types of courses offered and the facilities themselves. From 1994 until 2003 cadet sleeping quarters and training facilities were modular tents with cots. Since 2003, there have been significant additions, including state-of-the-art facilities and drastic improvements to the sleeping quarters.

In 2003, the first of many tri-force courses arrived at Blackdown Cadet Summer Training Centre, which meant the closure of the Borden Air Cadet Camp.

In 2012, there will be over 179 adult staff members, 193 Staff Cadets and 1819 Course Cadets enter their gates.


The courses offered through the summer camp program are described below.

The Basic Drill and Ceremonial (Sea) Course provides cadets an opportunity to build on drill learned at the corps, participate in advanced drill and ceremonial activities, and to develop leadership skills and knowledge, while performing the role of a team leader. Activities include commanding a squad on parade, drill with arms, flag drill, naval field gun drill and marksmanship training. Cadets applying for this course should be 13–14 years of age and have successfully completed Phase Two.

The Drill and Ceremonial Instructor (Sea) Course provides cadets an opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge to become a Drill and Ceremonial Instructor. Activities include advanced drill, instructional techniques, and leadership. Cadets applying for this course should be 14–15 years of age and have successfully completed Phase Three.